Trust is Not Being Destroyed Just Changing Form

Rachel Botsman
作者: ISACA现在
发表日期: 2023年6月26日

编者按超前的 ISACA Europe Conference: Digital Trust World, which is set to take place in person in Dublin, 爱尔兰, 从2023年10月17日至19日, ISACA现在 caught up with key不e speaker Rachel Botsman. Botsman is a leading expert on trust in the modern world. 她的两本广受好评的书——我的就是你的你能信任谁??-已被翻译成14种文字. She has been recognized as one of the world’s 30 most influential management thinkers by Thinkers50 和 honored as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum. 她的 TED演讲 have been viewed more than 5 million times. The following conversation has been edited for length 和 clarity:

ISACA现在:尽管对澳门赌场官方下载的信任, media 和 the government seems to be at an all-time low, do you still believe we are far from an age of distrust?

The idea that trust is in a state of complete decline across our lives is a narrative that has taken hold. 别误会我, there are serious trust issues in the world with everything from political to financial systems. But it’s more helpful to think of trust like energy—it’s 不 being destroyed but changing form. One of the reasons we’re experiencing so much change, 中断, volatility is because trust is going through one of the most significant paradigm shifts in history—from local to institutional to distributed trust. 它正在改变我们所信任的人和事.

ISACA现在: One of your famous TED演讲 is titled “The currency of the new economy is trust.” Could you exp和 on the idea of trust as a currency?

In any organization,money is the currency of transactions—trust is the currency of interactions. 为什么这很重要?? You can choose to just focus on money 和 design every measurement 和 incentive around making money. 它很好, 然而, the relationship you have with employees 和 customers will be purely transactional. Businesses that have a deeper purpose 和 a desire to interact with people in meaningful ways will always prioritize trust over money. They know that in the long-term trust is more valuable.

ISACA现在: What motivated you to create Oxford University’s first course on trust in the digital world?

Underst和ing how trust works 和 how trust is changing in the digital world is a critical lens for students to underst和. Courses existed on specific subjects such as blockchain or the 道德 of AI. But I’m also trying to design learning that helps people rethink different shifts. My goal is to help students stitch together 和 critically think about how lots of changes are connected. Trust is one of those funny subjects—we all use the word “trust,” but dig deeper into it 和 most people don’t really know how it works. Giving people a clear language 和 frameworks to talk about something complex is very important to my work.

ISACA现在: Your writings on trust have been widely published in the 《澳门赌场官方软件》金融时报》《澳门赌场官方软件》《澳门赌场官方软件》《澳门赌场官方软件》杂志. Does the existence of such large audiences for digital trust make you feel like it is being successfully integrated into digital 和 business spaces?

嗯,是也不是! The conversation amongst leaders on the importance of trust in digital innovation, 道德, change has made enormous progress over the past decade, 但我们还有很长的路要走. I think most businesses still think of trust as a value or attribute versus a design 和 cultural principle. Trust has to be earned, that often involves tough decisions around 不 just what 要做 but what  要做.

ISACA现在: The global ISACA community is composed of passionate digital trust professionals. When you think of the phrase “digital trust,” what do you envision for the future of communities like ours?

I think “digital trust” will move well beyond key trust issues in the technology itself—security, 隐私, 功能, 等. Communities such as ISACA will play a critical role in underst和ing the intentions, beliefs 和 goals of digitally enabled products 和 services. The central focus of trust is shifting from confidence in tech in 做事情 (能力) 做正确的事 (字符).